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Skype Manual For Mac

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by torrachocley1980 2020. 2. 7. 18:42


We just downloaded the Skype for Business Mac Client and are unable to Manually enter the internal discovery FQDN. We're using on premise Skype for Business Servers When going to 'advanced' options and entering the internal server configuration, the save button remains greyed out and I'm unable to utilize our settings. Auto-discovery does not work by design, so this is something we'll need if we're going to roll out Skype for Business. Any help with users facing a similar issues is appreciated.


Skype Manual For Mac Os X 10.6.8

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Skype Manual For Mac

Hi Daniel, The input validation mechanism validates that the following are present in the fields: 1. “autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root” When the two above are present, the save button should light up. For Skype for Business Online, the correct URL is: Since you are using the on-premises Skype for Business Servers, please use the correct URL and check again. Also, our engineering team is aware of the situation and will improve validation code/logic to provide an example of the correct format in the app.

Thanks, Franky. Hi, I'm having the same problem as Daniel. First, trying to put 'don't allow my Skype for Business client (Skype Entreprise) to connect. When I enter 'autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root' as internal / external address, then I can try the connection (otherwise, clicking on the button don't do anything).

The connection don't work, I'm stuck with the blue circle rotating endlessly. What should I do? On the other hand, I can connect correctly with the same parameters with Microsoft Lync 2011 for Mac. So I guess my settings are right. Hi Thib, I'd like to clarify that Skype for Business client for Mac is built on the Unified Communications Mobile Platform, it shares the same stack as iOS and Android mobile applications and communicates with the server via UCWA (Unified Communication Web API) which is different from Lync for Mac client. So, you are not able to sign in to Skype for Business for Mac with the same parameters with Lync for Mac.

Please use the parameters which you are using to sign in to mobile client. Thanks, Franky. Hi Jdcarlow, About the same issue, could you confirm if you have issue to save the manually configuration or have issue to sign in to Skype for Business for Mac client with manually configuration?

About the URL for manually configuration for Skype for Business for Mac, please refer to the format: About the detailed URL, have you tried to use the URL for mobile client to sign in to Skype for Business for Mac client? Thanks, Franky. Hi Franky, No have no issue in saving the correct autodiscover url in manual configuration. Using the manual configuration with the url format for mobility however in my opinion based on Microsoft's blurb will not work if you have the latest Nov 2016 Cumulative Update - with this update is it the case the Mac client will be treated as a desktop client hence in my case (Nov 2016 CU installed) mobility is not a requirement, I have tried using the correct mobility url but it will not sign-in, however if mobility is not required then the automatic discovery (autodiscover checked) should work (which will look at the local pool fqdn on port 5061). For those that don't have the latest CU installed then the manual mobility URL should work - folks may need to install the skype for business web services cert locally and the root chain cert though for this to work if off the domain. In my case the Mac is not on the domain, thus I am going to install the certs locally on the Mac later when I get into work.

I may also add it to the domain just to see if it works off the bat now that Nov 2016 CU is installed on the skype servers. Now it maybe the case that I need a reverse proxy but shouldn't if the Mac is suppossedly treated as a desktop client (As you said though the Mac client is built on same stack as mobile clients) Please see Mobility Policy required With the release of Skype for Business Server 2015 CU4 and Lync Server 2013 CU8 HF1 , we will support Skype for Business on Mac as a desktop application. This means that having a mobility policy assigned to Mac users will not be required. Until these server updates, Mobility enablement on the server side is required.

Certain features and behaviors that are available to Skype for Business Mac clients are determined by preference settings on the client. You can standardize the settings for Skype for Business Mac in your organization by configuring preferences for the application and then deploying these preferences to users on the network. The Skype for Business Mac preferences are found in: /Library/Containers/com.microsoft.SkypeForBusiness/Data/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.SkypeForBusiness.plist Key Type Value Description autoDetectAutoDicoveryURLs Bool 0 = manual server configuration 1 = automatic server detection (default) Specify how Skype for Business identifies the transport and server to use during sign-in. If you enable this policy setting, you must specify internalAutoDiscoveryURL and externalAutoDiscoveryURL internalAutoDiscoveryURL String Full autodiscover URL Internal autodiscover URL externalAutoDiscoveryURL String Full autodiscover URL External autodiscover URL httpProxyDomain String HTTP Proxy Domain httpProxyUserName String HTTP Proxy Username httpProxyPassword String HTTP Proxy Password trustedDomainList Array List of trusted domains for HTTP redirects autoAcceptTimeout Number 300 (default) Auto-Accept timeout for users without Server-side Conversation History.