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Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Client

카테고리 없음

by torrachocley1980 2020. 2. 29. 02:25



Is anyone familiar with configuring a SQL Pass-through connection in SAS to a Sybase database where password encryption is enabled?We are using the sample connection: connect to sybase as link(server='dbserver' database='dbname' schema='link' user='userid'password='password');This is encountering the below error.ERROR: Connection failed. Error Code: -1640 Adaptive Server requires encryption of the login password on the network.Normally, we would pass (encryptPassword=2) on the connection string. But I'm not familiar with how to pass this value to SAS connection string.Any help would be appreciated. This issue is caused by PasswordEncryption option on the Sybase server is turned on. I am not sure if there is another option on the Sybase connection string in SAS. However, you can fix this from the Sybase driver level.On your local (or SAS server), you should have Sybase driver installed.

In the driver directory, find the OCS.ini subdir. Locate the ocs.cfg file in the directory and add the folloing line to enable password encryption from this machine.SAS ACCESSCSSECENCRYPTION= CSTRUEIf the ocs.cfg file does not exist, you can create this file. Additionally, you can add the default setting to turn on password encryption on the client side by adding this section in the ocs.cfg file:DEFAULTCSSECENCRYPTION = CSTRUE. This issue is caused by PasswordEncryption option on the Sybase server is turned on. I am not sure if there is another option on the Sybase connection string in SAS.

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However, you can fix this from the Sybase driver level.On your local (or SAS server), you should have Sybase driver installed. In the driver directory, find the OCS.ini subdir. Locate the ocs.cfg file in the directory and add the folloing line to enable password encryption from this machine.SAS ACCESSCSSECENCRYPTION= CSTRUEIf the ocs.cfg file does not exist, you can create this file. Additionally, you can add the default setting to turn on password encryption on the client side by adding this section in the ocs.cfg file:DEFAULTCSSECENCRYPTION = CSTRUE.